The Center for Asia-Pacific Exchange was founded in 1980 with a unique vision of the founder, Dr. Jai Ho Yoo that citizens of all the countries of the Asia-Pacific area would come together in support of the ideal of humanity and cooperation across barriers of language, nationality and history.
Since its founding in 1980, over 12,000 people from 16 countries from Asia-Pacific region and United States and over 2,000 local residents participated in CAPE programs covering language study, nursing programs, professional development and cross-cultural training.
The measures of the positive and lasting impact achieved by CAPE's programs are reflected in the achievements of the many former participants who draw on their CAPE workshops to serve not only as models of excellence in their diverse fields, but also to contribute to advancing their communities forward to meet the challenges of the new century.
CAPE hopes to contribute significantly to the goal of producing globally-minded citizens who can communicate heart-to-heart with people from other cultures, who can appreciate differing values, and who contribute to the communities as role models and catalysts for the spread of these values.
We hope you can share our vision and join us in our programs.
Fred Yoo